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Tree Trimming Tips: 8 Ways to Improve the Look of Your Christmas Tree

Dec 1st 2023

young girl hanging white ball ornament on Christmas tree
Charlie Brown would agree: All Christmas trees are beautiful. Yet having a beautifully decorated Christmas tree can sometimes seem both extremely important and extremely difficult.

Maybe it’s because a Christmas tree is the focal point for all our hopes and wishes for the holiday season. Children and adults alike find Christmas magic in its boughs.

What Makes a Christmas Tree “Perfect”?

When it comes to Christmas tree decorating, beauty definitely is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has their own image of the “perfect” Christmas tree.

First and foremost, let’s agree that there really is no wrong way to decorate a Christmas tree. Your Christmas tree reflects your own very personal sentiments for the holiday, whether that feeling is expressed in mellow monochromes or exuberant color, with a few simple decorations or decking the boughs to excess. Many an argument has arisen between family members with differing Christmas tree decorating styles.

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree

You may be perfectly happy decorating your tree the same way year after year. It’s also possible that you have never been entirely satisfied with the final look of your decorated Christmas tree. Something about it just seems lackluster. 

If you’ve been questioning your Christmas decorating skills, we offer potential fixes for eight Christmas tree foibles that may be keeping your tree from reaching its true glorious potential.

Christmas Tree Decorating Pitfalls

1. Not Using Enough Lights

Some artificial Christmas trees come pre-lit. If yours isn’t one of them, or if you prefer a live Christmas tree, decorating step #1 is to hang the lights. It’s always a good idea to check your Christmas lights before hanging them on the tree. Plug in your lights and replace burned out bulbs as needed. 

Once the lights are hung, plug them in again so you can view the effect on your tree. Rearrange them as necessary so they are evenly distributed. Then, step back and examine your tree. If you notice a lot of dark pockets, you may want to add more lights. Some experts recommend as many as 100 mini lights per linear foot of tree, so a 6-foot tree may contain as many as 600 lights.

2. Too Many or Too Few Ornaments

Can you actually have too many Christmas decorations? The “perfect” number of ornaments on your tree is a totally personal decision. Some people go easy on the ornaments while others don’t stop until every branch is full. Whether you hang many or a few ornaments, aim to use decorations that vary in color, shape, size and finish. Distribute them evenly throughout the tree, with a balance of space in between. When decorating with a lighter touch, make sure to leave some open branches peeking out.

3. Identical Ornaments

The days are long gone when people filled their Christmas tree with matching ornaments. Today's look is coordinated, of course, but ornaments are not identifcal. Even if your theme is monochrome, choosing ornaments in different sizes, finishes, shapes and textures will offer visual variety. You can add even more pizzazz by tucking ribbons and Christmas picks among the ornaments.

4. Tree is Visually Unbalanced

Some design experts recommend hanging small ornaments toward the top of the tree and large decorations near the bottom. The larger ornaments visually “anchor” the base of the tree. When you’re decorating a live Christmas tree, this is also a practical rule, since small branches often can’t support large, heavy ornaments. Admittedly, not everyone agrees with this approach. However, if you’ve been unhappy with your tree in the past and never considered the visual weight of an ornament when decorating, you may appreciate this decorating tip.

5. Not Decorating the Back of the Tree

Many people tuck their Christmas tree in a corner or close to a wall and then “forget” to decorate behind the tree. That’s a shame. Why? Unless your Christmas tree is as dense as a primordial forest, ornaments hung behind the tree, as well as those tucked near the trunk, add sparkle and depth. So, hide your least favorite ornaments and those sentimental “scratch and dents” against the wall, but don’t neglect the back of your Christmas tree!

6. Not Picking a Theme

Choosing a theme for your tree is another personal preference. But if you haven’t been happy with the look of your tree in recent years, it’s worth considering decorating your tree according to a particular look or style. Pick a color combination, go maximalist or neutral. Dress your tree with bows, florals, soft colors and textures or go formal in black and white. At the very least, sticking to a theme will help you curate your ornaments.

7. Wrong Size Tree Skirt

Just as the tree topper finishes off the top of your Christmas tree, a tree skirt provides the foundation for your tree decor. First off, a tree skirt serves a very practical purpose - to hide the base of the tree or the tree stand. However, your tree skirt also completes the look of your tree by complementing your theme or style. Size is also key. Choose a tree skirt large enough to cover the tree stand but not so large that it extends past the bottom branches of the tree.

Another option to hide the base of your tree is a decorative tree collar. Tree collars tend to have a more modern style. They're also perfect for tight spots, since they leave more open floor space around your tree.

8. Not Using a Tree Topper

A tree topper is the crowning glory that “finishes” your Christmas tree and helps tie your theme together. When selecting a Christmas tree topper, choose a style that complements your home, your tree decor and the size of your tree.

Before buying your tree top decoration, measure the space between the tree top and the ceiling for a perfect fit.

Your Christmas tree is the centerpiece of your holiday festivities, reflecting your sentiments and personal style. By understanding some common Christmas tree decorating pitfalls, you can elevate your decor to create the magnificent Christmas tree you’ve always envisioned.
Tree Trimming Tips: 8 Ways to Improve the Look of Your Christmas Tree

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