Tree Trimming Tips: 8 Ways to Improve the Look of Your Christmas Tree
Dec 1st 2023

Maybe it’s because a Christmas tree is the focal point for all our hopes and wishes for the holiday season. Children and adults alike find Christmas magic in its boughs.
What Makes a Christmas Tree “Perfect”?
First and foremost, let’s agree that there really is no wrong way to decorate a Christmas tree. Your Christmas tree reflects your own very personal sentiments for the holiday, whether that feeling is expressed in mellow monochromes or exuberant color, with a few simple decorations or decking the boughs to excess. Many an argument has arisen between family members with differing Christmas tree decorating styles.
How to Decorate a Christmas Tree
If you’ve been questioning your Christmas decorating skills, we offer potential fixes for eight Christmas tree foibles that may be keeping your tree from reaching its true glorious potential.
Christmas Tree Decorating Pitfalls

1. Not Using Enough Lights
Once the lights are hung, plug them in again so you can view the effect on your tree. Rearrange them as necessary so they are evenly distributed. Then, step back and examine your tree. If you notice a lot of dark pockets, you may want to add more lights. Some experts recommend as many as 100 mini lights per linear foot of tree, so a 6-foot tree may contain as many as 600 lights.
2. Too Many or Too Few Ornaments
3. Identical Ornaments

4. Tree is Visually Unbalanced
5. Not Decorating the Back of the Tree

6. Not Picking a Theme
7. Wrong Size Tree Skirt
Another option to hide the base of your tree is a decorative tree collar. Tree collars tend to have a more modern style. They're also perfect for tight spots, since they leave more open floor space around your tree.
8. Not Using a Tree Topper
Before buying your tree top decoration, measure the space between the tree top and the ceiling for a perfect fit.

Need help with decorating tips? Choosing the right tree?
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