Christmas Central Blog


Deck the Howls: Spook Up Your Seasonal Decor with a Trendy Halloween Tree

Sep 8th 2023

A trend is catching on among people who love celebrating Halloween - decorated Halloween trees. Similar to a Christmas tree, a Halloween tree features lights, decorations and garland, all with a Halloween theme.A Halloween tree, sometimes called a Halloween Christmas tree, is a fun way to expand on your autumn decor. Think spiders and skeletons, ghosts and pumpkins, all nestled among the midnight … read more
Deck the Howls: Spook Up Your Seasonal Decor with a Trendy Halloween Tree

13 of This Year’s Must-Have Halloween Decorations

Aug 15th 2023

As the year grows older and dusk falls earlier, you sense that there’s more than just a nip in the air. Dry leaves scud across pavement like whispery footsteps. You shiver at the chill wind and secrets hidden in the dark. No wonder autumn is the season of ghosts and ghouls. If the change in seasons makes you excited for Halloween, you’re not alone. Halloween decorations get larger and more el … read more
13 of This Year’s Must-Have Halloween Decorations