Christmas Central Blog


How to Clean Your Swimming Pool After a Flood

Feb 26th 2024

“Spring” and “floods” may seem synonymous, but flood events are not limited to a single season. Heavy rains, tropical storms and hurricanes can lead to flood situations any time of year.Flooding can be catastrophic for homeowners. However, even if your home isn’t flooded, your yard and inground swimming pool might be.Pool flooding can happen a couple of ways. Heavy rains may raise po … read more
How to Clean Your Swimming Pool After a Flood

How to Maintain Your Pool During The Summer

Jun 19th 2019

The majority of pool owners are aware of the important steps in maintaining their pool when closing and opening it up. However, it's just as important to maintain your pool throughout the summer so you have clean and safe water to swim in. Below are a few things to keep in mind as you go about your fun summer with your pool. We hope these few tips help you have a safe and fun t … read more
How to Maintain Your Pool During The Summer

Pool Maintenance Checklist

May 7th 2018

If you’re new to pool ownership, the thought of maintenance can seem daunting. However, it is crucial to keep your pool water clean for the safety of you and your fellow swimmers. Make routine pool maintenance easy by following this simple checklist: DailySkim & Brush Use a pool skimmer and a brush to clear out leaves or other debris that made its way into your pool.Test & Add Chemi … read more
Pool Maintenance Checklist