Christmas Central Blog


6 Ways to Enhance Your Yard & Patio for Outdoor Summer Entertaining

Jun 4th 2024

Summer is finally here — time to take the party outdoors! For many people, outdoor entertaining is one of the best ways to enjoy the summer.All summer long, friends and family will gather on patios and decks, in screened porches and under pergolas to enjoy a good meal, a friendly chat, cocktails, games and any number of summer barbecues.If you enjoy outdoor entertaining, you may alre … read more
6 Ways to Enhance Your Yard & Patio for Outdoor Summer Entertaining

5 Patio Must Haves When Entertaining Guests

Jul 2nd 2019

Are you someone who enjoys hosting parties or gatherings during the summer? On those warm summer days, family and friends love to get together and soak in the sun. From jumping in the pool to playing games in the backyard, there’s plenty to do. As the host, you want the best for your guests. You can make this happen with different patio items that both your guests and you will enjoy. We hope th … read more
5 Patio Must Haves When Entertaining Guests