These money cards will make your day easy! Keep your house filled with spiritual waves and feelings with these cards. Apart from making the bond between you and God stronger, it's precious!
Product Features:
Club pack of 24 confirmation day gift cards with pins
Front of the card reads 'May God Bless You On Your Confirmation'
Also reads a bible verse 'Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith'
Comes with a removable metal gold tone pin
Pin has a dove on it and reads 'Come Follow Me'
Inside of the card reads 'May God's love guide you and bless your life with every happiness'
Dimensions: 6.5" high x 3" wide
Material(s): paper/metal
Item Number: Roman 94213
Product Features:
Club pack of 24 confirmation day gift cards with pins
Front of the card reads 'May God Bless You On Your Confirmation'
Also reads a bible verse 'Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith'
Comes with a removable metal gold tone pin
Pin has a dove on it and reads 'Come Follow Me'
Inside of the card reads 'May God's love guide you and bless your life with every happiness'
Dimensions: 6.5" high x 3" wide
Material(s): paper/metal
Item Number: Roman 94213
Product Specifications
Weight | Width | Height | Depth |
2.00 LBS | 4.00" | 6.50" | 1.00" |